Catfish Fishing "Trifecta": Sinker,
Bait, And Timing...
Catfish are one of the most popular species of fish caught in North America... and for good reason. They can get big... and usually, they're pretty darn tasty. (I love catfish.)
It's a pastime that goes back hundreds of years, and is embedded in the fabric of American and Canadadian history.

Old School Fisherman Discovers
3 Catfish Fishing "Tricks" He Used To
Catch Catfish (Or Starve)...
...and we'll customize them for you based on your answers to our Old School Catfish Fishing Quiz...
You're about to discover:
- "Grandpappy's Fried Catfish Catnip" that attracts catfish and triggers sledgehammer strikes!
- "The 3-Way Catfish Catchin' Cocktail" to ignite the bite on slow days.
- The amazing "Vanilla Drip Trick" that catches BIG catfish like crazy.
- And more...
Question #1:
Are you a man or a woman?
The excitement of hauling in a big ol' hog is still at the top of my list today. How 'bout yours?
I'm guessing you're "hooked" on catfish as much as the rest of the guys who hang out here, so I'm going to take the next few moments to serve up 4 "how to catch catfish" tips... plus a catfishin' safety tip that may save you from a strange "stinging sensation" when out on the water. :)
Tip #1: Choose your sinker carefully.
To many beginners, the sinker seems like a small and generic piece of fishing tackle. It's more important than you think...especially when it comes to catching catfish.
The obvious goal is to get your bait "down there" to where the catfish are... and your sinker needs to weight enough to do this, but it should not be too big so that is distracting and spooks 'em. Find the sinkers of the right weight that are as small as possible. Smaller the better.
Tip #2: How to pick the right bait.
The first rule here is to start off with natural live bait... the fish they feed on naturally. If you can catch some natural live bait yourself, all the better.
Just some of the live bait items then feed on: worms, minnows, insects, shad, frogs, crawfish, and more.
Keep in mind, a close second is any type of "stink bait". Catfish have a very keen sense of the stinkier the better!
Tip #3: Don't limit yourself to just fishing during the daytime.
Remember, catfish have "barbells" and long whiskers that make it possible for them to sense and "feel" for prey better than other speicies of fish.
This one one of the big reasons they are sometimes more active feeders at night than during the day.
Some of the biggest catfish are caught at night... just remember that.
Tip #4: Be careful when removing the hook from the catfish.
I recommend wearing gloves because the fins on some species of catfish are sharp, and it's very painful if you get stuck.
To remove the hooke in the safest way possible, put one finger behind the fine on one side, and your thumb behind the fin on the other side.
Hold the fish tiight, and use a pair of pliers to pull the hook out.
This way you don't have to touch the fins, or harm the catfish (or yourself) in any way.
Tip #5: Fish a variety of spots.
No matter what type of fishing you do, you've got to have some patience. Catfishing is no different.
Don't expect to get a bite the moment you drop your bait down.
That being said, be prepared to move fishing spots when you go 30-45 minutes without a bite.
Catfish are roaming predators, and you'll need to do a little roarming from time to time for best success.
You can catch catfish in freshwater or saltwater. You'll find them in ponds, creeks, lakes, rivers and resevoirs.
If you're in a body of water you're not familiar with, make sure to get a map of the area, and possibly a topographical map of the land around and under the water.
Also, make sure to talk to the owners of some of the local tackle and bait shops. They'll tell you where the hot spots are typially located, and they'll also give you bait recommendations.
Put as many of these tips to work for you as you can next time you're out on the water. While you won't immediately start catching like a pro, I guarantee you'll catch more catfish on average than ever before.
How Do You Stack Up Against The Old School Catfish Fishermen In YOUR Spot?
Take my Old School Catfish Fishing Quiz and find out... plus, you'll receive custom catfish fishing tips
on YOUR situation...
You're about to discover:
- "Grandpappy's Fried Catfish Catnip" that attracts catfish and triggers sledgehammer strikes!
- "The 3-Way Catfish Catchin' Cocktail" to ignite the bite on slow days.
- The amazing "Vanilla Drip Trick" that catches BIG catfish like crazy.
- And more...
Question #1:
Are you a man or a woman?