Critical Catfish Fishing Gear
One question you must ask yourself before you start packing for your catfish fishing trip is what method you are planning on using to catch the fish. The most common methods are normally the reel and basic rod. Other methods include trot lining, jugging and noodling.

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- "Grandpappy's Fried Catfish Catnip" that attracts catfish and triggers sledgehammer strikes!
- "The 3-Way Catfish Catchin' Cocktail" to ignite the bite on slow days.
- The amazing "Vanilla Drip Trick" that catches BIG catfish like crazy.
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Trot lining involves placing a line that is baited with many hooks on the edge of a river or lake. Many anglers who practice catfish fishing as a sport do not however advocate for this method. Jug fishing on the other hand is where the fishing line and bait are both tied to a jug. The jug is supposed to float on the water, acting like a bobber. It works in such a way that when the fish strikes the bait the jug will be pulled under the water, catching the fish in the process. Noodling is a method designed for the strong hearted. It requires no tackle apart from your hands. This method requires one to catch the fish using their hands.
This article is going to talk about the appropriate gear to pack when going catfish fishing using the rod and reel methods. These two methods are quite effective. Many anglers claim they are always successful when fishing using either of the two mentioned methods. You can choose to use closed face reel or an open face reel. Both are fantastic choices; but you have to make sure that you use the correct sizes depending on the size of the fish.
Your rod should depend on the size of the catfish you are intending on catching. If you are more into the quantity as opposed to the size of the catfish, a lighter rod will do. If on the other hand you are looking to catch giant catfish then it is advisable that you look for a sturdy rod that will be able to handle all that weight. For those who are not sure of what exactly they want, go for a heaver rod just to be on the safe side.
Carry enough fishing lines just in case you encounter any problems. Always carry along a roll or two that can handle heavier weight just in case you decide on catching the larger fish. The extra lines will come in handy when the monster fish decide to start biting on the line you are using. Metal leaders can be sued to prevent the fish from biting the fishing lines.
It is advisable that you carry along a live fish storage tank. If you can also carry a stringer strong enough to prevent the fish from escaping, the better for you. Stringers come in different designs and sizes. Find one that will work best for you and can easily accommodate the sizes of catfish you are going for.
The bait is one of the most significant catfish fishing equipment. Catfish have this characteristic of being too picky. They will get excited by the bait for a maximum of two hours. After that their attention will be diverted to something else. It is therefore advisable that you carry along different varieties of baits. This will make it easier for you to entice and distract them for as long as possible. Some preferred baits to use are night crawlers, crawfish, chicken livers and shad.
Catfish fishing in itself is a tricky activity. For instance you can carry ten different varieties of baits only for you not to get even a single catch. Anyway there is a higher chance of you finding a bait that works if you bring a variety of them as compared to only carrying on type. This is why it is advisable for you to carry as many different types as you can.
Don’t forget to carry a bag full of patience when you go catfish fishing. Patience is a necessary quality when it comes to this kind of sport. Like it was mentioned earlier, catfish are very picky creatures. At times you might be forced to wait for hours before striking a good catch. Patience is a necessary tool in such cases. Having the perfect reels, rods ad bait will be of no use if you don’t have enough patience.
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- "Grandpappy's Fried Catfish Catnip" that attracts catfish and triggers sledgehammer strikes!
- "The 3-Way Catfish Catchin' Cocktail" to ignite the bite on slow days.
- The amazing "Vanilla Drip Trick" that catches BIG catfish like crazy.
- And more...
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