5 Deadly "Old School" Catfish Fishing Baits
Most species of catfish go crazy for good stink, dough, or other homemade baits. In fact, a good batch 'o bait is the best way to catch a boatload of catfish fast.
Sure you can go out and buy the stuff everyone else is using...but that's not the way to give yourself a big edge out there on the water. Not only will your own homemade baits catch more catfish, it's also a lot of fun.

Old School Fisherman Discovers
3 Catfish Fishing "Tricks" He Used To
Catch Catfish (Or Starve)...
...and we'll customize them for you based on your answers to our Old School Catfish Fishing Quiz...
You're about to discover:
- "Grandpappy's Fried Catfish Catnip" that attracts catfish and triggers sledgehammer strikes!
- "The 3-Way Catfish Catchin' Cocktail" to ignite the bite on slow days.
- The amazing "Vanilla Drip Trick" that catches BIG catfish like crazy.
- And more...
Question #1:
Are you a man or a woman?
It's no secret that catfish have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, which is why these baits work like magic.
Catfish Bait Recipe #1: Catfish Melange
STEP 1: Melt 1 pound of cheese (I like to use Velveta).
STEP 2: Chop up 6 or 8 ounces of chicken liver and add it to the melted cheeze.
STEP 3: Add a spoonful of garlic powder, and mix in 1 can of wet dog food... plus about 12 minnows and some flour.
STEP 4: Mix it up in a blender or food processor, put a bit on the end of your hook, and hold on!
Catfish Bait Recipe #2: Cajun Catfish Bait
STEP 1: Mix 1 pound of rotten minnows, ½ cup water, ½ cup parmesean cheese, 1 box of jello (cherry is good), 1/4 cup molasses, 3 tablespoons of onion salt, 3 tablespoons of garlic salt, 1 cup of bread crumbs, and 3 tablesppons of soy sauce... all in a blender!
STEP 2: Once it's mixed, put it in a big bowl.
STEP 3: Add flour to it, and work it into a big stinky batch of dough.
STEP 4: Grab a small chunk of the stuff, put it on a #4 treble hook, and drop it down for instant catfish strikes.
Catfish Bait Recipe #3: Old Man Liver
STEP 1: Blend up about a pound of chicken liver, a half box of corn flakes, a half cup of garlic powder, one third a cup of parmesan cheese, molasses, and sugar.
STEP 2: When it's mixed, put it in some small dishes...then put whatever you're not going to use in a freezer. Of course it works better if "served" to the catfish fresh.
STEP 3: Add some flour to thicken enough so it will stay on a hook.
Catfish Bait Recipe #4: Chicken 'n' Beer Baiter
What you'll need:
* 3 cups of corn meal
* 3 cups of flour
* 2 cups of oatmeal
* 1 full can of beer (the older, the better!)
* 12 "ripe" minnows, shad, or small tuna (the more oily the better!)
* 10 ounces of corn syrup
* A bunch of chicken livers, shrimp. cat food, etc... (whatever else you want to add to "spice" things up!)
* 1 big container to hold everything
STEP 1: Mix it all together to a consistency like peanut butter. (Add milk or beer to get it to the right consistency.)
STEP 2: Seal the container and let it sit for 2-3 weeks outside...it's all going to rot... BAD. If it thickens up too much, spray with WD-40 and mix it again.
Catfish Bait Recipe #5: "Clean" Catfish Bait
What you'll need:
* A few bars of ivory soap
* a half cup of sugar
* a half cup of water
* 2 or 3 plastic ice trays
STEP 1: Mix the water and sugar in a small pot and dissolve it.
STEP 2: Use a grater to shave some soap into the mixture and heat it all over a low fire. Stir until all the soap is melted.
STEP 3: Use a spoon and fill the ice trays with the soapy/sweet mixture.
STEP 4: Let the soapy mixture in the ice trays cool for just a few minutes, just until it starts to solidfy again. Do NOT let it get too solid, or it will break.
STEP 5: Remove the cubes, cut then into smaller bait-size chunks. (remember, don't let it harden all the way or this will be impossible!)
STEP 6: Place the cubes into an air tight container... when ready, put them on single or trable hooks and fish!
Now...if you want to keep things simple just use chunks of Velveta cheese... or some sort of meaty dog food. Another way is to use chunks of hot dog, put 'em in a jar and cover them with fish oil and minced garlic.
Enjoy these deadly catfish baits!
How Do You Stack Up Against The Old School Catfish Fishermen In YOUR Spot?
Take my Old School Catfish Fishing Quiz and find out... plus, you'll receive custom catfish fishing tips
on YOUR situation...
You're about to discover:
- "Grandpappy's Fried Catfish Catnip" that attracts catfish and triggers sledgehammer strikes!
- "The 3-Way Catfish Catchin' Cocktail" to ignite the bite on slow days.
- The amazing "Vanilla Drip Trick" that catches BIG catfish like crazy.
- And more...
Question #1:
Are you a man or a woman?